Friday, July 31, 2020

Fresh Oil Anointing Service

Topic: The Spirit and the oil

Text: Isa.10:27 KJV

God can do what He cares to do without things but for your sake He prefer to add token to concritize your testimonies.

In the content of the _*KJV bible 1982 edition by Thomas Nelson, Inc.*_  , your breakthrough is attached to something. Here it is anointing oil - Exo.30:25

1.).Exo. 30:31- By it God establishes a generational covenant with Him and His children, thereby terminates the evil generational covenant and curses.

2.) Exo.40:9 - by the anointing oil, you are consecrated, set apart and and exempted from anything evil that is harassing the family and the world. Lev.8:10

3.) Lev.21:12 - it crowns you with spiritual crown. Thus, you are in charge, your word becomes final.  Eccl.8:4. Thus, you are becoming the very best in your choice of career. You and your children are becoming the best among your peers.

4.) Js.5:14 - praying with the use of anointing oil is ordained for your healing and also prevents you from falling sick. No sickness no covid-19 in your life and family this month. Psa.105:14-15

Prophetic declarations for the month of August. 

August hear me, thus says the Lord;

I shall have fresh encounter for a new beginning. 

I recieve divine encounter to perfect my dreams and vision. I will lay hold of my goodly heritage for the month of August, I shall not miss it, I shall not miss out. The Lord shall prepare tables before me, whether my enemies like it or not.

What is impossible for others shall be easy for me and my family. 

This pandemic shall not come near me, nor enter into my family, I will come out of this season better than I have entered. 

Help will rise for me, I will not lack good ideas to know what to do about my challenges. 

I will not have reason to be afraid, I won't panic over my love ones and on my finance. I am covered by the blood of Jesus. 

This month I shall recieve congratulatory messages.

I wish you a very happy August

Thursday, July 30, 2020



It happened in July that I took advantage of New month Covenant Seed, I did #10,000 transfer to church account. It was the most tough thing I ever did because I was having just #15,000 in my account. I was troubled, I didn't know how my family and I will survive, at work, salary was cut too.

So, I messaged Rev to tell him how sad I was. He ministered to me that I should use the covenant seed as a knock on the heavens, for a particular testimony in my life and he prayed for me.

I was surprised of what God of Achievers did in one month. He blessed me with over #800,000. I relocated my family to a better flat in a more conducive part of Lagos. Somebody bought me a set of chairs of over #200,000. I started to order goods from Dubai. I also got my International Passport this same month. 

I can not count everything that God did for me this month. God has settled me, it is my month of miracle. I got my goodly heritage, praise God.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Three Dimensional Faith

Topic: Three Dimensional Faith

Text: Gen. 18:8-14

Mark 10:27, 14:36 KJV
And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible. There is nothing that is too difficult for God so believe Him Gen.18:13-14. In fact, miracle is one of operations of the Holy Spirit through God's children 1Cor.12:10.

2. FAITH IN YOURSELF - Mk. 9v23: It is to build-up your self-esteem. This is the kind of the image of yourself to yourself. What do you reflect to yourself, success or failure, miracle or impossibility, life or death? Caleb was different Num.13:33, dare to be different, stretch yourself, help will come. Gen.19:22. Lot never like to stretch, he loves ready maid. Those that go for ready made remains small all their live. Gen.13:10-11

So, develop I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me Phl.4:13 mentality. The more positive you are about yourself, the more your systems will be releasing workable ideas. Your thinking faculty gets active and get you going. That's the mindset required for way forward at such a time as this. 

It is the third of SMART plan analysis; which talk about the achievability, possibility of your vision. It changes your world view.

You are so important to this world, if not, God wouldn't have said you are the salt and the light of the world Mtt.5:13-14
What problem are you created to solve or you are a problem or creating problems? As Journalist solves news problem, pastor solves spiritual, doctors medical, and driver transportation problems etc. Answer to this question is the pointer to recognise your purpose. That is the angle, you are to attack the darkness and unsaltiness of the world.

If you don't believe it, how can people around you do? You should be convinced to the extent that it start reflecting all around you and coordinate all you do or say.

Preparation also goes in that direction, such that you develop and increase capacity it requires. Building capacity to become your dream makes you equal to the task. 2Tim.2:15

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Cell Fellowship

Home Fellowship

Our home fellowship system provides a platform for members to have church in intimate settings – from the comfort of a home. Purpose discovery, development,  maximized achievement and mentoring are hallmarks of House of Achievers Global Assembly, and the home fellowship provides an opportunity for volunteers to grow in leadership roles by hosting a home fellowshipe centre.

Time of fellowship 6-7pm on Sundays

For contact to locate a center close to your house, call 08025800050

The Home Fellowship Unit is an arm of the House of Achievers Global Assembly.  Carved out from the Achievers Class in 2020 during COVID-19 lock down. The Lord gave us a way out when there was a ban on social gathering generally and church services were affected too. In other to keep spirituality of members intact, we started homes churches in every house and members who live close to one another were advised to meet in little groups. Eventually the lockdown was over and it was translated to Home fellowship. The Home Fellowship Unit is saddled with the responsibility to effect prompt implementation of the church growth programs of the HOUSE OF ACHIEVERS GLOBAL ASSEMBLY on Church Planting and Home Fellowship Development at the grassroots level. This is currently being accomplished through Home Fellowship, Soul Winning, Church Planting and Discipleship.

As an important arm of the Achievers, and in line with the overall vision of the church, the main objectives of the Home Fellowship Unit are: to ensure commitment of House Fellowship Leaders to Follow Up, New Believers’ Class Training and New Comers’ Preservation; to encourage relevance of House Fellowship to Church Growth through Mass reproduction of House Fellowship Leaders; to create awareness on the need for branches/leadership, in all branches of HAGA, to attend Home Fellowship meetings and release their homes for Home Fellowship. Specifically, we target third Sundays of each third Month of every quarter as Home Fellowship awareness day in all branches of HAGA; to help in Church Planting by identifying and translating Home Fellowship Centres, with large population, to full fledge branch of HAGA; and, to Liaise with branches of HAGA to actualize the goals of the Mission on Evangelism by mobilizing Home Fellowship members for Personal or Mass Evangelism, especially on the last Saturdays of each Month.

In order to fulfil the divine mandate the Home Fellowship Unit has the following division in place:
i.          Administration / Secretariat
ii.         Finance and Marketing
iii.        Research and Training
iv.        Languages and Translation
v.         Data and Statistics
vi.        Inspection
vii.       Soul Winning and Discipleship
viii.      Home Fellowship Leader Coordinators

The Home Fellowship Unit has materials and manuals published on Home Fellowship, leadership, soul winning, church planting and discipleship. Plans are in the offing to have these materials in other languages (local and foreign). It is our vision to implement the church growth programs of the HAGA on Church Planting and Home Fellowship Development at the grassroots level.

We thank God for how far He has helped us. By His grace we shall continue to be relevant to the spiritual and numerical growth of the body of Christ in this end time. Our prayer is that the Lord will count us worthy of His calling.


The Following are our vision and goals:


To effect prompt implementation of the church growth programs of the HOUSE OF ACHIEVERS GLOBAL ASSEMBLY on Church Planting and Home Fellowship Development at the grass root level.


To accomplish the aforementioned Vision, we seek to fulfill the following:

  1. G – GROWTH: Ensure commitment of House Fellowship Leaders to Follow Up, for New Believers’ Training and New Comers’ Preservation.
  2. R – RELEVANCE: Encourage relevance of House Fellowship to Church Growth through Mass reproduction of House Fellowship centers and Leaders
  3. A – AWARENESS:  Create awareness on the need for leaders and leadership, in HAGA, to attend Home Fellowship meetings and release their homes for Home Fellowship. Specifically, we target third Sundays of of the third month each quarter as Home Fellowship awareness day in all locations of HAGA.
  4. C – Church Planting: To help in Church Planting by identifying and translating House Fellowship Centers, with large population, to full fledge branches of HAGA.
  5. E – Evangelism:  To Liaise with branches of HAGA to actualize the goals of the Mission on Evangelism by mobilizing Home Fellowship members for Personal or Mass Evangelism, especially on the last Saturdays of each Month.


  1. Home Fellowship is capable of meeting the needs of the members in a way the large congregation will not be able to do. Since the number of people in a Home Fellowship Centre is relatively few, the immediate as well as intimate needs of the members can easily be met.
  2. Home Fellowship creates a sense of membership among the people. Each member sees him/herself as belonging to the Home Fellowship Centre as a unit and the church as a whole. This sense of belonging enhances growth.
  3. It breeds unity in the church. It does this by creating unity among the Home Fellowship members.
  4. Neighbourhood evangelism is made easier through the Home Fellowship system especially the people group and proximity approaches.
  5. The Home Fellowship does not cost as much to run as a full fledge church building, yet it consistently proves to be more efficient.
  6. A well organized Home fellowship system eliminates clique formation and informal groups. This elimination is possible because the number of members in the Home Fellowship is kept to the barest minimum.
  7. Evangelism of church programs can easily be done through interaction with Home Fellowship Members.
To provide supervisory role, leadership and control purposes for HCT, brother Joseph Adebame is the coordinator of Home Church Team, while brother Ovie Ogude  is the assistant. They are to oversee the smooth running of this unit of the church, to collate reports, form policy and to research and to submit it to the Senior Pastor for final approval.

1. They have the responsibility of forming policy on this department and submit it to the Senior Pastor for final approval and implementation.

2.They are to make research and develop it to advance our home church idea and make it available to the Senior Pastor for perusal and approval.

3.They are to collate weekly and monthly reports via the following indices below and submit the same weekly and monthly to the Senior Pastor.

4. They are to collate data of the needies in all the centres, do thorough screenings before forwarding it through the Welfare department of the church, which  will in turn advice the Senior Pastor for approval. 

The Report indices and formats are;
*Opening time and closing time
*Topic of the Message
*Name of the officiating minister(if other than the head of the centre)
* etc

However, buildings may be locked down but the gates of hell shall not overcome the church, not even covid-19 pandemic lockdown. The Church will go through, you also will and shall not suffer hurt. 
As we are busy for the Lord till He returns, may you be empowered and bless together with your family, in Jesus name.

My kind regards to the church in your home.

...making a difference in the society.

To your achievement 



At House of Achievers Global Assembly , we believe that being a part of a Ministry Team leads to real transformation. When you join a ministry and serve others, you are able to help people encounter God, which in turn draws you closer to Him. Join a ministry today.


AMIC, ACHIEVERS MEN IN CONGRESS is the Men’s Ministry of ACHIEVERS, set up with a vision is to raise men that will be role models in the society. Our mission is to empower men to become effective and Godly leaders in whatever area of society God has positioned them.

All their programs and activities are geared towards the empowerment of men in 5 areas: Spirituality (Christian maturity), Finance (career & business), Emotional stability (marriage & family relationships), Intellectual ability & Physical fitness (healthy living & fitness).

Once every month, our men fellowship with each other through what we call Men’s Network groups, a collection of 15 or more men living in the same locality. The objective is to provide an avenue for our men to network, fellowship and mentor one another in a relaxed atmosphere of similar interests as a support group of friends. Our Network groups are spread all over Lagos along the current zoning system of the church.

RAW, REAL ACHIEVERS WOMEN is the women’s ministry of ACHIEVERS ASSEMBLY . Our vision is to raise Daystar women to become role models in society by empowering them to discover, develop, release and maximize their potentials in God.

RAW meets once every month centrally in church. It is an avenue for women of diverse age groups, backgrounds and interests to come together and network, share experiences and learn from one another. We have five (5) sub-units that meet independently in order to cater for the needs of different women groups. They include; Women’s Fellowship, Princesses (Matured single ladies aged 30 and above), Golden Mothers (Women aged 50 & above), Joyful Mothers & Joyful Fathers Forum (Waiting and pregnant parents), Wise Women (Widows).

Every woman in ACHIEVERS has a place in REAL ACHIEVERS WOMEN irrespective of their age or status and are welcome to be part of the vision.


ROYAL is the group of youths of Achievers Assembly male and female. It aims at ages 21-35, of undergraduates, young graduates of tatiary institutions and training centers. They are formulated for keen intimacy with the Lord and holy fellowship with one another, with the mind of self development, career development towards a better, cleare future.


CHAMPION is the gathering where teen agers, ages 16-20 years, gather to develop a deep and meaningful relationship with God and with each other.

Young adults need opportunities to express their love for God by serving humanity, chanpion offers direction on this.
Join our services every Sunday.

Junior Church


“Children are heritage from the Lord, and the fruit of the womb a reward”

The early years of a child represent a crucial period of growth and development; we recognize that God ordained this, therefore, our Junior church is designed to provide a loving environment where our little members can be taught the love of Jesus Christ early. Depending on their age groups, stories from the bible are taught through songs, story-telling and fun activities during Sunday service.

Service Units

Join us in making the world a better place. With your skills, talents and interests, we can make the body of Christ stronger and impact the world for good. To become an influential leader you must first learn to serve and the most practical way to serve others at Daystar Christian Centre is to join a team. It takes all of us to make church happen so, join us today.



At House of Achievers Global Assembly, we believe that being a part of a Ministry Team leads to real transformation. When you join a ministry and serve others, you are able to help people encounter God, which in turn draws you closer to Him. Join a ministry today.


Achievers Men in Congress (AMIC), Real Achievers Women (RAW), Champions - Youth Ministry, Royals - Teens Ministry, King's Kids (KK), Achievers Singles Fellowship (ASF) and Joyful Mothers (JM).

Achievers Men In Congress is the Men’s Ministry of House of Achievers Global Assembly, set up with a vision to build a community of achievers men world over. Our mission is to give them a life style of discovery, development, and achievement of their God's given purpose to become effective and Godly leaders in whatever area of the society God has positioned them.

All AMIC programs and activities are geared towards the empowerment of men in 5 areas: Spirituality (Christian maturity), Finance (career & business), Emotional stability (marriage & family relationships), Intellectual ability & Physical fitness (healthy living & fitness).

Once every month, our men fellowship with each other through what we call Men’s Network groups, a collection of 15 or more men living in the same locality. The objective is to provide an avenue for our men to network, fellowship and mentor one another in a relaxed atmosphere of similar interests as a support group of friends. Our Network groups are spread all over Lagos along the current zoning system of the church.

Real Achievers Women is the women’s ministry of House of Achievers Global Assembly. Our vision is to raise Achievers women to become a community of achievers who will make a difference in the society everywhere they go by giving them a life style of discovery, development, and achievement of their God's given purpose.

RAW meets once every month centrally in church. It is an avenue for women of diverse age groups, backgrounds and interests to come together and network, share experiences and learn from one another. We have five (5) sub-units that meet independently in order to cater for the needs of different women groups. They include; Women’s Fellowship, Princesses (Matured single ladies aged 30 and above), Golden Mothers (Women aged 50 & above), Joyful Mothers & Joyful Fathers Forum (Waiting and pregnant parents), Wise Women (Widows).

Every woman in Achievers has a place in Real Achievers Women  irrespective of their age or status and are welcome to be part of the vision.

Service Units

Join us in making the world a better place. With your skills, talents and interests, we can make the body of Christ stronger and impact the world for good. To become an influential leader you must first learn to serve and the most practical way to serve others at House of Achievers Global Assembly is to join a team. 

It takes all of us to make the church happen, so, join us today.

Thanks for your time.

Focussed Faith

Topic: Faith For Miracle

Text: Acts 14:7 - 10 KJV

1. FOCUSSED FAITH: - he had faith to be healed... Has it ever occurred to you that in a service, only a few recieve miracle? The secret is focussed faith, the sick choosed not to be distracted despite distractions, thus all the internal strength was channelled to one course, to the extent that Apostle Paul recognised his faith. Even God cannot resist it.

2. HOPE AGAINST HOPE: -Rm.4:18-22
Who against hope believed in hope...not weak in faith...He staggered not...being fully persuaded... - If you only have faith when everyone has faith, you have not done anything unusual. 
Your kind of miracle demands your own kind of faith. Rm.1:17,Gal.3:11,Heb.10:38.

3. SOURCE FOR FAITH: _Rm.10:17 NLT_ 
So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing (kjv)the word of God. Beloved pay attention to what you hear, or see. Your ears and eyes are the two main gates to your heart. There are dreams that don't worth considering, throw them away. 
Faith comes by the word and miracle comes by focussed faith.

Friday, July 24, 2020



Rev. Stephen Olalekan Ojo is the General Superintendent and the Senior Pastor of Achievers.

On December 10, 2017, together with his wife, he founded House of Achievers Global Assembly by gathering twenty three adults and three children over a period of three weeks (from December 10 to December 31, 2017). The Holy Spirit instructed them to wait on God for twenty one days of fasting and praying, at no 31 Adeyemi Ajayi street, Ajegunle Ikorodu road, Lagos State. They were meeting 6pm to 7pm daily to pray in the sitting room of Grandma Bolaji Sanny, at 31 Adeyemi Ajayi Street, off Irawo Owulade Street, Ajegunle Lagos State. 

His Apostolic mandate is to preach the gift of righteousness, deliverance, and restoration of people that are alive as if they are dead. Healings, deliverance, breakthrough in difficult matters and reviving of dying churches, breaking the yoke of bareness and divine intervention when baby delivery is difficult, breakthrough in academics and business are the order of the day in his ministry. God instructed him to build a community of achievers who will make a difference in the society world over. He is to give you a life style of discovery, development and achievement of purpose, giving direction to all and sundry, through his sharp cutting edge in counseling ministry. He has on his list, young people who could have dropped out of school but for his financial support, prayers and encouragement, they scaled through their higher institution programmes.
He is in popular demand by churches, conferences and on campuses.


Rev. Adebola Elizabeth Ojo is the Assistant General Superintendent/Senior Pastor of Achievers. 

Being a lover of children, and for her passion to raise Godly children, which led to her life dream to establish Prince and Princess Empire (a creche and afterschool centre) on January 2, 2012.
On December 23, 2011 by divine providence, she joined her husband full time in ministry. She co-founded House of Achievers Global Assembly with her husband. She is the founder of WhenWomenWatch(www.God) in May 2020 at Mothers DAY. 

Perfoming Exploits

Topic: Perfoming Exploits

Text: Daniel 11:32 -33 KJV

 ...the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploit... 

Beloved, a year is about to get lost to pandemic but I dare you to trust in God to help you take advantage of it through knowledge.

Knowledge of God and knowledge from God is the link to your next level.

Here are benefits of knowledge;

1.) KNOWLEDGE VOICE OF  GOD - Instruction saves from destruction - Jn.10v27-28

2.) KNOWLEDGE ACTS OF GOD - Psa 103v7. This is knowledge at infant level. It doesn't change the fact that you are a member of God's family but there are so much in the kingdom to know and have than new birth. You only take but can't give and ones there's lack, you resolve to react and complaints. Gal.4:1-2

3.) KNOWLEDGE WAYS OF GOD - Psa 103v7. Here is l ature level of knowledge. It's what made Moses a leader and miracle worker, which he was. Principle and  standard of God remains. It put you in charge. 2Tim.2v19 

ASSOCIATION - Through knowledge a nice relationship is established with God, like a friend to his friend. Gen.18:17, Jn 15:15
Who you follow determines what follows you. 

You are about to become a god over your problems and enemies. You deserve miracles.

Stairways To Miracle

Sunday 19th July 2020

Message: Stairways to your Miracle

Bible texts: Psalm 37:4 -7, Lamentations 3:24-26

Miracle is God's intervention in the difficult and seemingly impossible affairs of human endeavour. 
This however is not automatic, there are procedures to be followed, to enable every individual lay hold of his or her miracle;

1. Delight in God.
Delighting in God, gives you leverage on the fulfilment of your dream. Seek the Miracle giver rather than the miracle, know Him, and serve Him with all your heart. Live to enjoy His presence, always eager to be with Him and not for the wonders of His hands, He rewards those that diligently seek Him. 

2. Commit your desire to God.
God would be left with no choice but to grant the desires of your heart, when you do not only involve Him but also hand it over to Him.

3. Trust also in Him
Your believe, your faith, your confidence in Him are very necessary. He'll bring it (your desire) to pass.

4. Wait patiently for it.
Your anxiety has nothing to do with God's timing. Be patient, Don't rush. Wait for His time, He doesn't come late.

5. Don't envy others.
You must understand that even the very identical twins have different timing in destiny. Don't be envious of other people's success. Celebrate with the righteous and it shall be well you. Ignore and move far away from the wicked, so you do not suffer with them, as their wealth is nothing but a doom trap.

6. Don't give up on your dream.
Hold on to it whatever be it. If it is God's, it is good.

Wonders by the Word (Il)

Topic: Wonders by the Word (Il)
Text: Hebrews 4:12 Eph 6:17 KJV

...continue from part (I)

3.) RECIEVE THE WORD: Receiving the Word is more than believing it. Receiving it releases and activates the power to become. Jn 1:12. This is the revelation that comes by faith. Such revelation makes you to want and to accept the prophecy of the Word.

Listen, everyone who experienced miracle had caught a revelation from the Lord. Beginning with the prophets to the apostles.

...the word of the LORD came unto Abram in...Gen. 15:1 KJV

4.) Miracle happens twice. Mk 11:24. First in the spiritual realm, in your heart by revelation, before physical manifestation. Gen 17:19 & 21:1-5.
Revelation of the Word makes you another man. There is a kind of God's capacity that you draw from the Word that makes you a god over your problems, over the enemies and to do what God does.

Wonders by the Word (I)

Topic: Wonders by the Word (I)
Text: Hebrews 4:12 

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword (Eph 6:17), piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. KJV

As long as the Word was  available for two years straight, miracles were not scarce in the circulation. So, you can live perpetually in miracle.

1.) UNDERSTANDING THE WORD Mtt 13:19-23 kjv.This is about your perception. The way you perceive the Word will inform your decision making. It helps to redesign in you a life style that is not common, the one your problem fears. Matt 13:19-23 NLT & LB shows understanding plays a major role in turning your life around. Miracle happens when God steps into your case.

2.) CREATION OF MIRACLES BY THE WORD. Gen.1:3;6;9;11;14;24;26;29. That's how God began to say and they were coming to pass. God does nothing but by His spoken word, thus miracles were done. Speak your desired miracle despite the odds. God saw darkness but spoke light. He saw ocean but spoke dry land. He saw empty land but spoke vegetation, and different creatures. You shall testify to the miracles of what you say. Pro.18;20-21

Miracles of healing, open doors, deliverance etc, are hidden in the word, the lazy can't get them.
You will not only receive miracle but become a miracle and do miracles in Jesus's name.

Table of Miracles

Theme of July series: Miracles

Topic: Table of Miracles

Text: Acts 19:10 - 22 KJV
And this continued by the space of two years; so that all they which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks. :11 And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: 12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.

 Someone should expect the unusual move of God this month. 

What's miracle? It's God intervention in the difficult and seemingly impossible affairs of human's life.

I am glad to announce to you that it's your month of miracles. For somebody, miracles shall pursue, and overtake you this month in the name of the Lord. 


1.) Special miracle: Lk 19:1
2.) Notable miracle:  Acts 4:16
3.) Diverse of miracle: Heb.2:4

He does it through men.
Google explains miracle as an extraordinary and welcome events that is not explicable by natural or science laws and therefore attributed to a divine agency.

All over the globe, what used to work seems not working again. Both nature, medicine and science are already staggering and shaky. 
People are saying going back to nature is the way because, science is failing but that's all lies. May I tell you the sincere truth, the way of the Gospel is the way to go, Rm.1:16. It's time to fully turn to God like never before, because Mk 10:27 ...with men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible. Mk.10:27

David calls the holy communion table, God's table. Psa 23:5

God exists before time and lives outside of time. He is always ahead of season, even pandemic. Nothing catches Him unawares. God is steps ahead of your enemies to prepare a table.

I perceive God has gone way ahead of you into your present situation, to prepare a way of escape. I Cor.10:13. May your eyes be open to see, Him and what He is doing. 

I welcome you to the month of ready made solution. At the communion table somebody will eat and eat healings, somebody shall eat to recieved promotion, to somebody it shall be multibillion idea, deliverance will take place and you shall escape all pandemic and evil arrows. There are shall be untold testimonies. Only believe.

Say after me, this month onwards, miracles shall pursue me, and overtake me in the name of the Lord.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Prophetic Declarations

2 Kings 6:4-7 NLT

[4]So he went with them.When they arrived at the Jordan, they began cutting down trees.
[5]But as one of them was cutting a tree, his ax head fell into the river. “Oh, sir!” he cried. “It was a borrowed ax!”
[6]“Where did it fall?” the man of God asked. When he showed him the place, Elisha cut a stick and threw it into the water at that spot. Then the ax head floated to the surface.
[7]“Grab it,” Elisha said. And the man reached out and grabbed it.

 ...The drowned metal axe head floated. 

I pray for you, you will go through this week afloat of all your challenges, they shall not swallow you. 

You will be above the pandemic, I forbid it to come near you or come into your house.

If you are sinking before now in any area of your life or in any form, I lift you up by the power of resurrection. 

Nothing shall go down in your life, your family, business, spiritual life. You will not go down in Jesus name. 
Good morning beloved.

Friday, July 17, 2020


Stephen Olalekan Ojo with his wife, Adebola Elizabeth Ojo co-founded House of Achievers Global Assembly on December 10, 2017 at 31 Adeyemi Ajayi Street, Irawo Ajegunle Lagos State.
He was born on June 26, 1973 to the family of Late Mr. John Oladosu Ojo, and Late Mrs. Raliatu Ayoka ojo, of a blessed memory in Osun state Nigeria. His father was a retired headmaster, while his mother traded clothes and glass plates, at Odeomu in Ayedaade Local Government Area of Osun state, Nigeria. He is the eighth of the children and the fifth boy.

He had primary school living certificate at Christ Apostolic Church -1985, Junior Secondary School at Baptist Grammar School -1988,
Senior Secondary School at St. David Anglican Grammar School, Odeomu -1991 
Computer Technology at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife -1999
LIFE Theological Seminar, Lagos - 2008
B.Lc Daystar Leadership Academy, Lagos -2020.

Clerk: Toye Motors, Ile Ife 1993
Administrator: Christ Fishers of Men Church, Ile Ife 1994-1995
Instructor: Computer Science Department, Obafemi Awolowo University Ile Ife 1995-1999
Consolidated Discount Limited: Lagos State 2002-2003
Administrator: Foursquare Gospel church 1995-2017

He suddenly developed an inexplicable hunger to know God, and to experience His power in 1991 after he finished senior secondary school. Leaving Odeomu for Ibadan the capital city of Oyo Star, there a neighbour told him that salvation through Jesus is the way to his quest towards God and he invited him to Scripture Pasture Christian Centre, founded by Pastor Olubi Johnson at Sango Ibadan, Oyo State.
July 1991 he surrendered his life to Jesus and received the baptism of Holy Spirit self same day at the age of nineteen with the evidence of speaking in tongues. He had his water baptism at Assembly of Gods church Lagos in 1993, when he was a house help for the family of Mr and Mrs. Komolafe, at no 1 Esuola Street, Ago Okota Lagos.  

Certain strange experiences preceded his calling.
In 1987 as he was in christian religious knowledge class, reading the account of Stephen of the bible, something told him that he will do the work Stephen did. He was scared of how Stephen died, so he dreaded reading the note alone at night, he did not understand what calling was though but that informed his name "Stephen". It's a covenant name, given by God.

Also, about a month before he eventually got converted, in an inexplicable quest for God, he attended one branch of  The Apostolic church at Ring Road Ibadan. The Prophet of the church called him in the course of preaching that he is going to be an Evangelist and he is not going to do any other job. He added that he will not do it in the man’s branch of the church and he has not got to where he will settle, all before he got converted.

In 1996, he received divine call in a dramatic way. The vision is true but the appointed time was long…Dan 10:1. It would take another twenty one years for the vision to come to pass, when he will start a church. So, he has ever since been actively involved in all churches he passed through. Sometimes, led about six departments at a goal in a church. 

He became a Deacon in the year 1996 at Christ Fishers of Men church, Ile Ife, the President of New Covenant Campus Fellowship between 2000 and 2002. In 2003, he became the resident Pastor of the World Soul Winning Ministry, Alapere Lagos and the Senior Pastor of Foursquare Gospel Church Ajegunle Lagos, 2006-2017. Rev. Stephen Ojo was however, inducted in 2010 and Licensed 2015. He also served briefly in Foursquare Gospel Church Bako Lagos State in 2017, before he received a higher calling. God told him in 2016 a year earlier that it was the set time for him to start his ministry but by the advise of his Pastor, he waited one year and resigned on October 31, 2017. He was ordained a Reverend on 21st April 2019 by Reverend Dapo Adejumo, under who he served in Foursquare Gospel Church.
Rev Stephen is a charismatic preacher with deliverance and healing anointing. During waiting on God for clarity of life and ministry in April 2002, God spoke to him expressly in a vision that he is a Pastor and a worldwide Evangelist.

His Apostolic ministry is to preach the gift of righteousness, deliverance, restoration of people that are alive as if they are dead. Healings, deliverance, breakthrough in difficult matters and reviving of dying churches, breaking the yoke of bareness and divine intervention when baby delivery is difficult, breakthrough in academics and business are the order of the day in his ministry. God instructed him to build a community of achievers who will make a difference in the society world over. He is to give you a life style of discovery of purpose, development of purpose and achievement of purpose, giving direction to all and sundry; through his sharp cutting edge counseling ministry. He has on his list, young people who could have dropped out of school but for his financial support, prayers and encouragement, they scaled through their tartiary institutions. Also the sicks that could have die due to lack of money, he paid their hospital bills and other medical bills. Glory to God. 

He is a selfless husband, father, leader, mentor, preacher with accurate prophetic ministry.
On December 10, 2017, together with his wife, he founded House of Achievers Global Assembly by gathering twenty three adults and three children over a period of three weeks (from December 10 to December 31, 2017). The Holy Spirit instructed them to wait on God for twenty one days of fasting and praying, at no 1 Adeyemi Ajayi street, Ajegunle Ikorodu road, Lagos State. They were meeting 6pm to 7pm daily to pray in the sitting room of late Dcns Bolaji Sanny.

First Sunday service was held on January 7, 2018, in the sitting room of late dns Bolaji Sanny, at no 1 Adeyemi Ajayi street, Ajegunle Ikorodu road, Lagos. The following Sunday January 14, 2018, the church moved to 10 Badejo Street, Irawo Ajegunle where we occupied two suites to start with and later got additional two making four before moving to 7 Temidire Street Irawo, Irawo Bus Stop Ikorodu road Lagos a year after COVID-19 lock down. His mandate is to make a success of every soul that make a contact with his ministry.

Rev'd Stephen Olalekan Ojo got married to Rev'd Mrs. Adebola Elizabeth Ojo, the angel of his life, on October 23, 2004. Rev'd Mrs. Adebola Elizabeth is a called Teacher, Pastor and a gospel singer. Her mandate is to preach holiness, which complements her husband well.  She is a lover of God, her husband and children. She cannot stand the needy but satisfy them to a fault. She was inducted in April 2014 and ordained on April 21, 2019. The union is blessed with wonderful children; Treasure Iseoluwa, Sharon Mololuwa, Trumph Araoluwa.

Rev. Mrs Adebola Elizabeth Ojo , a native of Awe, Afijio Local Government Area of Oyo state Nigeria, was born on August 30, 1978, to Deacon J.A Okesina, retired radio/tv producer and Mrs. Mary Aina Okesina who is a trader. She is number three and the first daughter of the siblings of five. She had her primary education at Army Children school, Abule Egba 1990, and secondary at State high school, Oko-oba Agege 1996, both in Lagos State. She studied Financial Studies at the prestigious Polytechnic of Ibadan, Oyo State and had her HND in Accounting at Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, Ogun State, 2005. 

Being an accountant, she worked in Crossworld Securities at Marina then and Golden Securities at Campbell Lagos till Dec 2011. As a disciplinarian and lover of children, she co - founded with her husband Prince and Princess Empire Academy (a creche, afterschool centre and nursery and primary school) on January 2, 2012. Also, she worked with Sceptre International School in Ajegunle, as the Head teacher between the year 2015 and 2018.

On December 23, 2011 by divine providence, she joined her husband full time in ministry. She co-founded House of Achievers Global Assembly with her husband. She is the founder of WhenWomenWatch(www.God) in May 2020 at Mothers DAY. She started king's Kids; the children harm of Achievers on September 6, 2020 at 5 Calvary street, Irawo Ajegunle, assisted by sister Shola Ojo, and sis Beulah Bona. There were 7 children in attendance plus Jayden. She drafted all the curriculum and developed it for the children ministry. 

The union is blessed with wonderful children; Treasure Iseoluwa, Sharon Mololuwa, Trumph Araoluwa.

Home Church Team


Hi, team members.

I really want to praise God that despite the heightened pandemic and confusion, no one has gone down in Achievers family and no one will go down. Amen. To Him alone be the glory now and forever more.
We salute all medical workers at the front of the covid-19 battlefield. May God continue to watch over them. We also commiserate with families across the globe that have lost their loved ones to this course. We ask God for fortitude to bear the irreparable loses and that mercies of God ceases the killing demons, in the name of the Lord. 

To our team , I personally salute your rapid response to the salvaging of the situation around us, the church, to keep faith and hope alive in the Lord. 
You are the best.

You will remember that at the inception, we were only on whatsapp and Facebook. Now it's my pleasure to let you know that Achievers has her blog, the same I am sending this message from and her YouTube accounts running concurrently. We promise to keep working hard to step up our games on the ICT in order to serve God and serve you better. 

Mainwhile , you will agree with me that our idea to leverage on home church is the real deal, as it was in the Bible, the most effective, coordinating and rewarding.

...and daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ. Acts 5:42 KJV.

We should remember our duty as a church, which is the spiritual, welfare, teaching, discovery and developing potentials for maximum achievement, neither political nor medical but Achievers soul business is to teach and preach Christ in all our centres in order to make a difference in the society. Do make sure that this is our focus.

I welcome you to this platform on which HCT can have a close raport. Also, suggestions to promote improvements will be welcome.


We have decided to have six centres in all for the time been, we then share members across the board.
Below is the list of our centres;

1. No 5 Calvary Street, off Ondo Street, Irawo Ajegunle Lagos State.
2. No 11, Oguntifa Street, off Church Street, Alapere Lagos State. 
3. No 8, Arigbede Street, Irawo Lagos State. 
4. No 1, Olufuwa Crescent, weighbridge, Lagos State. 
5. No 1, Adeyemi Street, off alhaji Ganiyu Street, Bako Estate, Lagos State.
6. Close B , plot 10 goshen estate, Phonix bus stop, ogijo Ogun State.

Meanwhile, if you don't have any centre to fellowship, kindly join any of the listed centres above which is close to you for your spiritual nourishment or call the following phone numbers for help; 0807 694 9373 or 0818 477 2944. 

To provide supervisory role, leadership and control purposes for HCT, brother Joseph Adebame is the coordinator of Home Church Team, while brother Ovie Ogude  is the assistant. They are to oversee the smooth running of this unit of the church, to collate reports, form policy and to research and to submit it to the Senior Pastor for final approval.

1. They have the responsibility of forming policy on this department and submit it to the Senior Pastor for final approval and implementation.

2.They are to make research and develop it to advance our home church idea and make it available to the Senior Pastor for perusal and approval.

3.They are to collate weekly and monthly reports via the following indices below and submit the same weekly and monthly to the Senior Pastor.

4. They are to collate data of the needies in all the centres, do thorough screenings before forwarding it through the Welfare department of the church, which  will in turn advice the Senior Pastor for approval. 

The Report indices and formats are;
*Opening time and closing time
*Topic of the Message
*Name of the officiating minister(if other than the head of the centre)
* etc

However, buildings may be locked down but the gates of hell shall not overcome the church, not even covid-19 pandemic lockdown. The Church will go through, you also will and shall not suffer hurt. 
As we are busy for the Lord till He returns, may you be empowered and bless together with your family, in Jesus name.

My kind regards to the church in your home.

...making a difference in the society.

To your achievement 
steve & bola

Thursday, July 16, 2020


Hi Achievers, 

It's a fact that the globe is at the height of uncertainties and people are getting concerned more than ever. 

But then, together we can build a community of God's people with kingdom purpose at heart and individual vision coming true with, achieving for the kingdom and for your personal dreams.  So, I say of the Lord, you're not going to go down with what's going on in the world. Glory. 

I wish to ask, how do I be of help to you in discovering and fulfilling your goals? Or what are the spiritual challenges that make you loose your sleep?

Know that I pray for you always, but let's travel together, it's not the time to disengage. Nobody travels the path of success alone. We are stronger together.

You can get in touch with me via all social media, a phone call or book appointment for us to meet one on one. I assure you the possibilities of your dream.

Thanks always . 
God bless you real good.

To your achievement.
Rev. Steve Ojo 

Sunday, July 12, 2020

July Theme

Who needs miracle?
When is miracle the way forward?

When all efforts prove abortive.

If this is your situation, you are the one who needs miracle.

Join me this month as I help you to unfold the mysteries.

House of Achievers Global Assembly Operational System

MEET OUR TEAM'S LEADERSHIP GENERAL OVERSEER/SENIOR PASTOR.    Rev. Stephen Olalekan Ojo is the General Overseer and the Seni...