Topic: The Spirit and the oil
Text: Isa.10:27 KJV
God can do what He cares to do without things but for your sake He prefer to add token to concritize your testimonies.
In the content of the _*KJV bible 1982 edition by Thomas Nelson, Inc.*_ , your breakthrough is attached to something. Here it is anointing oil - Exo.30:25
1.).Exo. 30:31- By it God establishes a generational covenant with Him and His children, thereby terminates the evil generational covenant and curses.
2.) Exo.40:9 - by the anointing oil, you are consecrated, set apart and and exempted from anything evil that is harassing the family and the world. Lev.8:10
3.) Lev.21:12 - it crowns you with spiritual crown. Thus, you are in charge, your word becomes final. Eccl.8:4. Thus, you are becoming the very best in your choice of career. You and your children are becoming the best among your peers.
4.) Js.5:14 - praying with the use of anointing oil is ordained for your healing and also prevents you from falling sick. No sickness no covid-19 in your life and family this month. Psa.105:14-15
Prophetic declarations for the month of August.
August hear me, thus says the Lord;
I shall have fresh encounter for a new beginning.
I recieve divine encounter to perfect my dreams and vision. I will lay hold of my goodly heritage for the month of August, I shall not miss it, I shall not miss out. The Lord shall prepare tables before me, whether my enemies like it or not.
What is impossible for others shall be easy for me and my family.
This pandemic shall not come near me, nor enter into my family, I will come out of this season better than I have entered.
Help will rise for me, I will not lack good ideas to know what to do about my challenges.
I will not have reason to be afraid, I won't panic over my love ones and on my finance. I am covered by the blood of Jesus.
This month I shall recieve congratulatory messages.
I wish you a very happy August
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