Theme of July series: Miracles
Topic: Table of Miracles
Text: Acts 19:10 - 22 KJV
And this continued by the space of two years; so that all they which dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks. :11 And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: 12 So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.
Someone should expect the unusual move of God this month.
What's miracle? It's God intervention in the difficult and seemingly impossible affairs of human's life.
I am glad to announce to you that it's your month of miracles. For somebody, miracles shall pursue, and overtake you this month in the name of the Lord.
1.) Special miracle: Lk 19:1
2.) Notable miracle: Acts 4:16
3.) Diverse of miracle: Heb.2:4
He does it through men.
Google explains miracle as an extraordinary and welcome events that is not explicable by natural or science laws and therefore attributed to a divine agency.
All over the globe, what used to work seems not working again. Both nature, medicine and science are already staggering and shaky.
People are saying going back to nature is the way because, science is failing but that's all lies. May I tell you the sincere truth, the way of the Gospel is the way to go, Rm.1:16. It's time to fully turn to God like never before, because Mk 10:27 ...with men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible. Mk.10:27
David calls the holy communion table, God's table. Psa 23:5
God exists before time and lives outside of time. He is always ahead of season, even pandemic. Nothing catches Him unawares. God is steps ahead of your enemies to prepare a table.
I perceive God has gone way ahead of you into your present situation, to prepare a way of escape. I Cor.10:13. May your eyes be open to see, Him and what He is doing.
I welcome you to the month of ready made solution. At the communion table somebody will eat and eat healings, somebody shall eat to recieved promotion, to somebody it shall be multibillion idea, deliverance will take place and you shall escape all pandemic and evil arrows. There are shall be untold testimonies. Only believe.
Say after me, this month onwards, miracles shall pursue me, and overtake me in the name of the Lord.
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