Sunday, August 30, 2020

Submitting to Leadership II

Topic: Submitting to Leadership II

Text: Jer. 13:5

Leadership: is been able to influence one or two persons. The primary aim of leadership is to actually make sure that the vision goes far, thus leader does not go alone. It is the process of discovery, helping  to discover, rediscover, polishing, loading and reloading, sharpening, brushing individuals unique selling points, niches in the pattern of a vision. The mistake many leader make is to wait till the end of their assignment, rather the excersice start along side with the assignment now. 

1) CODE TO APPOINT SUCCESSOR: Lk.22:26 - I have come to appreciate the statement in Lk. 22:26 over time in ministry. Jesus is cracking a code for a successful assignment. Ministry is about serving. Serving is running errand for God, serving under a leader, serving in the church; either by joining department, taking up assignment or by appointment. It is for people that are ready to serve when it is convenient or not.

You can practically experience regular encounter with God if you are ready to pay the price. That is why unlearning and learning are not optional in followership, so as to be able to get excellence in service. Talent is not enough, you need a coach. If you are too big to serve, you are too small to lead.

3) Serve as unto the Lord. This perspective focuses you on God, especially when it seems not convenient, it keeps you going. Col.3:23, even in marriage Col. 3:18, at the family level, whereas church the Lord's family Col. 3:20

4) Not in grumbling: The assignment you do with complaints are not tenable to God. It is expected of ministers in God's house to find possible solutions to reach their place of duty and to stop at nothing until God is satisfied with your service. Jude 1:16-19

5) Fulfil the ministry:- Col. 4:17 - Be goal focussed, since the intention of a follower is to become a worker, then a minister, you must take heed to fulfil the ministry which you have received in the Lord. 

6) Faithfulness in stewards is required: Heb. 3:1,2,5 Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus; Who was faithful to Him that appointed Him, as also Moses was faithful in all His house. Today we are talking of their deeds. The world is about to have you for a topic. 1Cor. 4:2

7) *APPOINTED TO BARE ABIDING FRUITS: Jn. 15:16 There is a way it flows down from the top to the down. This is important because of followers that are hyper with tendencies to think they can rubish their leader. Order has to be respected, get to know who appointed who and who you are accountable to through God. Paul and Barnabas were productive in all their ministry. Production of fruits should be the focus; i.e fruits of the Spirit Eph. 5:8-11, Gal.5:22-24 and results from your task, Acts 12:23 not flexing of muscle. Joel b2:7-8 explains that  people of God should not break their ranks. I bring help for those that are having issues with submission.

CONCUSSION ACTS 6:3-7: When members allow the word of God to mold their mind and form right attitude by the Holy Spirit, everybody and everything in the church will attest to a new level of experience. The church grows, faithfuls go up, business booms family tranquillity is sure verses 7 & 8 and hell will not be able contain it. It will reamain a fresh encounter. 
It requires all of us to build the ministry, no arm chair or bench warmer but be actively involved. In Achievers, it shall be a fresh encounter again and again in the name of the Lord.

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