Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Invitation to learn II

Topic: Invitation to learn II

Text: Mtt 11:28-29

DEVELOP HUNGER TO GROW: Science has it that one of the characteristics of living things is the ability to grow. Now, for human beings, there is capacity to grow not only in stature but all round; intellectually, emotionally, socially, spiritually etc. Even Jesus increased in wisdom and stature Lk 2:52. Mental growth is pivotal to all other growth. Mtt.12:5, Jesus read, thus, He challenged them to do the same. I dare you to read materials that are relevant to the kind of growth you desire. Knowledge is central to all transformation. In this month of fresh encounter, that's my appeal to you. 

LEARN SELF MANAGEMENT: Prov.16:32, Prov.25:28. If you can handle yourself; handling time, people, business etc won't be a problem. You can learn how to.  Self development, self leadership are the keys to a changed life. You have to learn how to fix yourself inward first before you can fix your external problem. You can not convince people that you can solve theirs, if you have not solved your problems. 

KNOWLEDGE SAFES YOU FROM EMBARRASSMENT: 2Ki.4:1-7 The woman knew something about the prophet which her late husband didn't appreciate in the prophet's life. Sages say, familiarization brings contempt. Most time external people benefit more from the anointed due to over familiarization of close members. The same man that did not profit the husband was the one that delivered the wife and the sons. 

KNOWLEDGE DELIVERS FROM IGNORANCE - Hosea 4:6Ignorance is the father of all chaos. You are a slave to what you don't know, it will hurt you. The most painful is that you won't know what exactly to treat.

Where your mate falls, you shall rise in Jesus name.

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