Topic: Follow Me
Texy: Matt.4:18-25 (Msg)
That is the tone of command the Lord used in appointing His followers, which sets a principle of choice making in desiding followership, especially in the church.
Mark you, who you follow determines who and what follows you. Now;
1) Everybody is made more than ones: The Lord says _you must be born again-Jn.3:3. He didn't say how many times, from biological birth which ends in death, to spiritual birth that makes everything about you new. 2Cor.5:17 and transformational birth-Rm.12:2.
2.) Follow the Lord: Call to follow the Lord, is a call with promise. He says follow me, I will make another person out of you other than the one you know. Achievers, and successful people understand that there are forces around the level they aim at, that will not want to make it possible. So they leverage on a superior force that is higher than the forces of impossibility.
Nobody go far alone, may be you can go fast alone.
3) It is a call with a deal: When God wants to bless you, He gives you vision, purpose and promise - ...follow me I will make you.... God doesn't give money, not even anything you think other than dreams. It's the dream and the purpose that will attract monetary value. There was a deal from the day He asked them to start following Him. If you are reading this piece, God is signing a deal with you.
4.) Follow Your Pastor: 1Cor.4:14-16; 1Cor. 11:1-3; Jer.3:15- The idea is, you are to follow somebody who is following the Lord. You can't say you are following the Lord that you can't see, when you are not taking the voice of the man of God which you can see. Since ministry is to raise people, that's the more reason I labour day and night to see that I fulfil the ministry.
5) Discipleship is a deliberate act: Jesus was deliberate in sourcing His disciples; so are all disciplers. Jn. 10:14,27-28. Since He knows them and understand the assignment, he is careful not to choose wrongly. That's the same way it is in Achievers, you are intentionally chosen.
6.) Self denial is the term: Mtt.16: 24-26-(msg)
Jesus is working on you now, ok. This is how to have a sustainable breakthrough. Mk.10:28-31 is another promise that self denial is going to pay at the end of the day.
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