Get wisdom! Get understanding!... Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding.
*Introduction:* We are created with the capacity to transmute, transform and grow. If your growth is only of the body, then there is a real problem.
It's very important to treat this theme at such a time as this; when organisations are down sizing, some are shoting down;
*ELEPHANT'S STAKE:* As big and strong as an elephant is, what hold it down is just a little stake. How is it possible?
Now, from the time an elephant is a baby, a rope will be put on it's neck and be tied to the stake which is pegged into the ground. So he makes attempt to move but the stake holds it and prevent it from moving. He then grows up believing that once it has a rope on it's neck, he can't move. At that point, the rope and the stake have moved into the elephant's mind, the captivity is now seated in it's mind. As mighty as an elephant could be, it has lost it to the stake which is deeply rooted in it's mind.
but listen no circumstance will put a stop to your destiny, we are not going to be stranded. No one is getting stagnated here. Amen. That's why it is important to treat this series about understanding.
When the lockdown came, I said to myself, this is not going put an end to my life. So, I decided to do a few things, those few things are powerful. One of them is that, *I asked myself "what is going to be the secret to survive this period?" It occurred to me that relevant information will play a major role.* So, I decided to set myself up to get informed as it is required. I also, enrol for trainings and coaching online with international figures. It cost me dollars but it is going to pay off. What am I saying, there is capacity to evolve. You can change, you can still grow.There are three words that are interrelated.
1) *Knowledge:* It is the accumulation of skills, information about a subject, or a place.
_*James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.*_
2) *Wisdom:* is the discretionary use of knowledge, experience and intuition on different situations to maximise profit.
Here we are talking about God kind of knowledge - to know what to do and what not to do.
3*Understanding:* gives meaning to knowledge, it is the link between knowledge and wisdom. Therefore understanding is the ability tou process information, comprehend and grasp the full meaning of a matter for further steers.
Here are some of the things that understanding will do for you.
*Understanding brings harvest in degrees:
Fugue 9 in Hebrew means harvest time. Even, if you are pregnant, by the nineth months, you are expected to deliver.
Some of you are seated here with pregnancy of good things, I bring you to delivery this month. Go and be giving birthday to your dreams.
The degree of your understanding about a matter determines the extent of your harvest.
Some understand in 30%, 60%, 100% and gathered their harvests accordingly.
Understanding creates Image: from the beginning the word "image" prompted in Gen.1:26-27. So we are creatures of image and vision.
That's why you cannot do more than your self-image; which means the image of yourself. That image of yourself gives rise to self-esteem i.e self-respect, self-worth.
Devil will come with sickness to damage your health, now that you understand better, when he comes, tell the devil where he belongs.
Jesus told him,
Mtt.16:23, Mk.8:33, Lk.4:8 satan get thee behind me
When devil attacks, it is the image he has comes for. Satanic knows that if he can attack the image you are carrying on your inside, you are finished.
Why did God say you should not get any image for yourself? It's because, God is the best image in which you can mirror yourself.
Exo.20:4 God treat them with perfect hatred: Exo.34:13 But you shall destroy their altars, break their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images
Understand the communion: 1 Cor. 11:29 For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.
Heb. 10:5 Christ’s Death Fulfills God’s Will therefore, when He came into the world, He said:... But a body You have prepared for Me.
God prepares ahead of time. He has prepared the body of the Lord _as healing communion_ but many do not see it that way. They will still say, what is this.
A man went to farm and had snake poison in his eyes, came back home blind. The wife went to the church to collect holy communion wine and gave it to the husband to drink. They eyes were restored.
In this ministry too, a brother who was diabetic only carried holy communion tray and the plague stopped.
You can remain in the fight and be sure of not loosing, as long as you are still retaining the image of God and His likeness in you.
How can the image of God be poor, is God poor, is He broke, is He sick? Then why should I be sick?
Get that understanding.
You've got to be ruthless and be brutally with that sickness
You will say, devil get lost...
Sicknesses pack your load and go in the name of Jesus.
You will say, bad luck, I forbid you in my life by the blood of Jesus right now. Amen.